Madison County Government, Indiana

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Net Property Tax Value Statistics

Last Update: 09/26/2024
Tax Year:
Code Description Parcel
(Cap Level 1)
(Cap Level 2)
(Cap Level 3)
Total Tif Amt Net Total
--- Total, All Property Classes 91,316 2,278,089,141 2,029,683,089 2,040,352,412 6,348,124,642 823,403,083 5,524,721,559
100 Agricultural - Vacant Land 4,845 0 345,863,680 445,100 346,308,780 5,594,918 340,713,862
101 Agricultural - Cash Grain/general Farm 2,500 211,707,975 180,068,725 18,763,328 410,540,028 1,360,620 409,179,408
102 Agricultural - Livestock Other Than Dairy Or Poultry 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
103 Agricultural - Dairy Farm 1 0 198,100 529,800 727,900 0 727,900
104 Agricultural - Poultry Farm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
105 Agricultural - Fruit & Nut Farm 1 78,438 9,200 2,700 90,338 0 90,338
106 Agricultural - Vegetable Farm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
107 Agricultural - Tobacco Farm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
108 Agricultural - Nursery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
109 Agricultural - Greenhouses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
110 Agricultural - Hog Farm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
111 Agricultural - Beef Farm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
120 Agricultural - Timber 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
141 Agricultural Land With Mobile Home 35 987,678 2,079,900 70,900 3,138,478 18,982 3,119,496
149 Agricultural Land With Pp Mobile Home 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
198 Agricultural Build Lease Land 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
199 Agricultural - Other Agricultural Use 679 25,238 59,719,690 14,536,200 74,281,128 773,226 73,507,902
200 Mineral 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
300 Industrial Vacant Land 109 0 3,600 2,776,500 2,780,100 437,318 2,342,782
309 Parcel Classified As Vacant But Is Part Of The Support Land For Another Parcel 37 0 17,000 746,400 763,400 48,800 714,600
310 Industrial Food & Drink 38 0 0 11,467,500 11,467,500 6,012,209 5,455,291
320 Industrial Foundries & Heavy Manufacturing 8 0 44,600 12,614,500 12,659,100 0 12,659,100
330 Industrial Medium Manufacturing & Assembly 16 0 20,300 90,696,040 90,716,340 75,791,103 14,925,237
340 Industrial Light Manufacturing & Assembly 189 0 505,000 100,975,132 101,480,132 45,662,066 55,818,066
345 Industrial Office 3 0 0 181,400 181,400 0 181,400
346 Industrial Research And Development Facility 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
350 Industrial Warehouse 20 0 1,200 40,399,970 40,401,170 20,807,119 19,594,051
360 Industrial Truck Terminals 9 0 109,500 12,855,200 12,964,700 1,127,251 11,837,449
370 Industrial Small Shops 65 0 0 7,759,440 7,759,440 2,183,639 5,575,801
380 Industrial Mines And Quarries 46 0 920,100 4,645,100 5,565,200 134,595 5,430,605
385 Industrial Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
390 Industrial Grain Elevators 24 0 140,200 7,324,500 7,464,700 0 7,464,700
398 Industrial Building On Leased Land 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
399 Industrial Other Structures 23 0 70,900 18,060,590 18,131,490 4,351,644 13,779,846
400 Commercial Vacant Land 1,117 2,000 1,632,040 20,317,500 21,951,540 9,944,975 12,006,565
401 Commercial 4-19 Family Apartments 76 9,550 14,349,200 131,400 14,490,150 578,898 13,911,252
402 Commercial 20-39 Family Apartments 30 0 28,728,300 647,000 29,375,300 8,360,296 21,015,004
403 Commercial 40 Or More Family Apartments 44 0 127,752,900 10,366,500 138,119,400 28,304,562 109,814,838
409 Commercial Parcel Classified As Vacant But Is Part Of The Support Land For Anoth 155 0 152,440 2,847,700 3,000,140 1,845,897 1,154,243
410 Commercial Motels Or Tourist Cabins 7 10,975 133,300 5,999,300 6,143,575 3,477,719 2,665,856
411 Commercial Hotels 8 0 0 20,519,100 20,519,100 6,833,151 13,685,949
412 Commercial Nursing Homes & Hospitals 29 0 75,421,520 515,400 75,936,920 8,660,848 67,276,072
415 Commercial Mobile Home Parks 55 169,576 19,690,100 1,830,600 21,690,276 89,376 21,600,900
416 Commercial Camp Grounds 6 50,812 866,300 1,550,400 2,467,512 822,379 1,645,133
419 Commercial Other Housing 14 172,375 6,634,900 120,100 6,927,375 0 6,927,375
420 Commercial Small Retail 500 119,675 1,255,000 37,158,100 38,532,775 8,926,828 29,605,947
421 Commercial Supermarkets 43 0 12,300 14,989,700 15,002,000 6,861,332 8,140,668
422 Commercial Discount & Junior Department Stores 59 0 0 79,078,700 79,078,700 16,434,480 62,644,220
424 Commercial Full Line Department Stores 2 0 0 5,312,600 5,312,600 1,352,574 3,960,026
425 Commercial Neighborhood Shopping Center 118 0 0 53,531,137 53,531,137 14,652,861 38,878,276
426 Commercial Community Shopping Center 12 0 0 15,496,600 15,496,600 8,812,632 6,683,968
427 Commercial Regional Shopping Center 9 0 0 2,051,100 2,051,100 610,303 1,440,797
428 Commercial Convenience Market 30 0 0 3,599,000 3,599,000 828,039 2,770,961
429 Commercial Other Retail Structures 79 12,625 388,100 9,915,100 10,315,825 1,239,497 9,076,328
430 Commercial Restaurant, Cafe, Or Bar 141 0 225,900 13,857,400 14,083,300 6,116,684 7,966,616
431 Commercial Franchise-type Restaurant 88 0 2,800 49,662,700 49,665,500 25,982,488 23,683,012
435 Commercial Drive-in Restaurant 11 0 0 585,400 585,400 101,800 483,600
439 Commercial Other Food Service 13 0 155,700 1,634,600 1,790,300 228,991 1,561,309
440 Commercial Dry Clean Plant Or Laundry 7 0 0 377,200 377,200 7,028 370,172
441 Commercial Funeral Home 41 58,337 497,800 6,178,400 6,734,537 622,109 6,112,428
442 Commercial Medical Clinic Or Offices 110 0 1,538,700 46,162,298 47,700,998 11,819,349 35,881,649
443 Commercial Drive-up / Walk-up Bank Only 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
444 Commercial Full Service Banks 74 0 0 13,074,300 13,074,300 4,149,016 8,925,284
445 Commercial Savings And Loans 2 0 0 1,183,100 1,183,100 0 1,183,100
447 Commercial Office Building 1 Or 2 Story 268 15,350 2,013,900 50,439,520 52,468,770 23,651,087 28,817,683
448 Commercial Office O/t 47 Walk-up 3 0 0 574,800 574,800 538,619 36,181
449 Commercial Office O/t 47 Elevator 10 0 0 2,180,600 2,180,600 659,604 1,520,996
450 Commercial Convenience Market With Gasoline Sales 66 0 0 23,540,700 23,540,700 8,075,676 15,465,024
451 Commercial Convenience Market / Franchise-type Restaurant With Gasoline Sales 23 0 0 6,716,900 6,716,900 4,798,122 1,918,778
452 Commercial Auto Service Station 29 0 0 1,306,200 1,306,200 254,972 1,051,228
453 Commercial Car Washes 26 0 0 3,086,900 3,086,900 1,117,717 1,969,183
454 Commercial Auto Sales & Service 86 0 231,100 37,428,700 37,659,800 25,045,809 12,613,991
455 Commercial Garage 219 14,750 210,900 17,144,540 17,370,190 4,460,066 12,910,124
456 Commercial Parking Lot Or Structure 241 0 87,900 3,323,000 3,410,900 1,674,911 1,735,989
460 Commercial Theaters 7 0 0 650,000 650,000 81,242 568,758
461 Commercial Drive-in Theaters 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
462 Golf Range Or Miniature Course 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
463 Commercial Golf Course 13 0 58,900 3,600,400 3,659,300 0 3,659,300
464 Commercial Bowling Alley 7 0 100 2,351,140 2,351,240 110,993 2,240,247
465 Commercial Lodge Hall Or Amusement Park 3 0 0 107,500 107,500 0 107,500
466 Commercial Amusement Park 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
467 Commercial Health Club 6 0 22,500 16,440,600 16,463,100 14,028,907 2,434,193
468 Commercial Ice Rink 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
469 Commercial Riverboat Gaming Resort 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
480 Commercial Warehouse 222 7,125 203,600 21,132,440 21,343,165 3,578,650 17,764,515
481 Commercial Mini-warehouse 79 15,175 321,000 36,049,200 36,385,375 9,955,693 26,429,682
482 Commercial Truck Terminals 2 0 0 16,846,600 16,846,600 14,972,390 1,874,210
490 Commercial Marine Service Facility 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
495 Commercial Marina 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
496 Commercial Marina - Small Boats 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
498 Commercial Building On Leased Land 1 0 0 38,400 38,400 0 38,400
499 Commercial Other Structure 637 557,064 4,781,400 121,618,895 126,957,359 77,891,839 49,065,520
500 Residential Vacant Platted Lot 11,589 5,915,607 34,614,085 54,600 40,584,292 1,164,277 39,420,015
501 Residential Vacant Unplatted Land Of 0-9.99 Acres 1,643 103,572 4,501,202 16,400 4,621,174 155,874 4,465,300
502 Residential Vacant Unplatted Land Of 10-19.99 Acres 4 0 114,200 0 114,200 0 114,200
503 Residential Vacant Unplatted Land Of 20-29.99 Acres 1 0 48,200 0 48,200 0 48,200
504 Residential Vacant Unplatted Land Of 30-39.99 Acres 1 0 225,700 0 225,700 0 225,700
505 Residential Vacant Unplatted Land Of 40 Or More Acres 1 34,688 0 0 34,688 0 34,688
509 Residential Parcel Classified As Vacant But Is Part Of The Support Land For Anot 2 0 17,200 0 17,200 0 17,200
510 Residential One Family Dwelling On A Platted Lot 35,269 1,449,271,440 742,247,734 2,089,540 2,193,608,714 57,441,048 2,136,167,666
511 Residential One Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 0-9.99 Acres 7,909 495,944,980 147,125,450 6,458,735 649,529,165 6,117,919 643,411,246
512 Residential One Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 10-19.99 Acres 19 4,227,748 621,583 81,100 4,930,431 228,958 4,701,473
513 Residential One Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 20-29.99 Acres 3 762,816 123,400 3,000 889,216 275,552 613,664
514 Residential One Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 30-39.99 Acres 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
515 Residential One Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 40 Or More Acres 1 3,469,735 98,600 0 3,568,335 98,600 3,469,735
520 Residential Two Family Dwelling On A Platted Lot 1,139 4,573,054 78,833,110 38,500 83,444,664 1,199,295 82,245,369
521 Residential Two Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 0-9.99 Acres 142 2,829,147 13,957,640 100,000 16,886,787 314,554 16,572,233
522 Residential Two Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 10-19.99 Acres 2 397,448 634,800 45,200 1,077,448 0 1,077,448
523 Residential Two Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 20-29.99 Acres 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
524 Residential Two Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 30-39.99 Acres 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
525 Residential Two Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 40 Or More Acres 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
530 Residential Three Family Dwelling On A Platted Lot 325 518,919 26,486,480 49,300 27,054,699 698,027 26,356,672
531 Residential Three Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 0-9.99 Acres 19 210,675 2,084,100 0 2,294,775 189,159 2,105,616
532 Residential Three Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 10-19.99 Acres 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
533 Residential Three Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 20-29.99 Acres 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
534 Residential Three Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 30-39.99 Acres 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
535 Residential Three Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 40 Or More Acres 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
540 Residential Mobile/manufactured Home Family Dwelling On A Platted Lot 992 17,910,559 15,013,055 126,600 33,050,214 133,964 32,916,250
541 Residential Mobile/manufactured Home Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 0-9.99 498 13,819,367 10,236,875 227,195 24,283,437 123,163 24,160,274
542 Residential Mobile/manufactured Home Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 10-19. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
543 Residential Mobile/manufactured Home Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 20- 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
544 Residential Mobile/manufactured Home Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 30-39. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
545 Residential Mobile/manufactured Home Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 40 Or 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
550 Residential Condominium Unit Family Dwelling On A Platted Lot 1,145 55,578,507 20,437,000 0 76,015,507 1,747,964 74,267,543
551 Residential Condominium Unit Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 0-9.99 Acres 26 659,186 2,059,200 0 2,718,386 142,189 2,576,197
552 Residential Condominium Unit Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 10-19.99 Acres 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
553 Residential Condominium Unit Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 20-29.99 Acres 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
554 Residential Condominium Unit Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 30-39.99 Acres 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
555 Residential Condominium Unit Family Dwelling On Unplatted Land Of 40 Or More Acr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
556 Residential Condominiums 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
557 Residential Condominiums Common Areas 205 0 45,900 345,500 391,400 0 391,400
558 Residential Condominiums Master Card 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
565 Unknown At Conversion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
581 Unknown At Conversion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
590 Residential Pp Mobile Home (plat) 3 0 4,600 0 4,600 0 4,600
591 Residential Pp Mobile Home (no Plat) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
598 Residential On Leased Land 2 46,188 135,000 0 181,188 0 181,188
599 Residential Other Structures 3,028 5,027,370 26,951,315 3,147,856 35,126,541 1,015,605 34,110,936
600 Exempt Property Owned By The United States Of America 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
610 Exempt Property Owned By The State Of Indiana 1,119 0 0 0 0 0 0
620 Exempt Property Owned By A County 1,092 0 0 0 0 0 0
621 Exempt Property Certified For Treasurer's Sale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
622 Exempt Property Held For Resale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
630 Exempt Property Owned By A Township 85 0 0 0 0 0 0
640 Exempt Property Owned By A Municipality 2,283 0 0 0 0 0 0
645 Exempt Property Owned By A Municipal Housing Authority 70 0 0 0 0 0 0
650 Exempt Property Owned By A Board Of Education 79 0 0 0 0 0 0
660 Exempt Property Owned By A Park District 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
661 Exempt Property Owned By A Conservancy District 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
662 Exempt Property Owned By A Sanitary District 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
665 Exempt Property Owned By A Public Library 19 0 0 0 0 0 0
669 Other Exempt Property Owned By A Governmental Unit 21 0 0 0 0 0 0
670 Exempt Property Owned By A Private Academy Or College 18 0 14,600 47,300 61,900 0 61,900
680 Exempt Property Owned By A Charitable Org That Is Granted An Exemption 1,031 0 1,634,300 4,197,450 5,831,750 1,732,370 4,099,380
685 Exempt Property Owned By A Religious Org That Is Granted An Exemption 287 0 95,100 21,400 116,500 0 116,500
686 Church, Chapel, Mosque, Synagogue, Tabernacle, Or Temple That Is Granted An Exem 303 0 0 405,000 405,000 0 405,000
690 Exempt Property Owned By A Cemetery Org That Is Granted An Exemption 79 0 0 0 0 0 0
699 Other Exempt Property Owned By An Org That Is Granted An Exemption 50 0 0 74,100 74,100 0 74,100
800 Locally Assessed Vacant Utility Land-commercial 8 0 100 49,900 50,000 0 50,000
805 Locally Assessed Vacant Utility Land-industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
810 Locally Assessed Property Owned By A Bus Company-commercial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
811 State Assessed Property Owned By A Bus Company 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
815 Locally Assessed Property Owned By A Bus Company-industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
820 Locally Assessed Property Owned By A Light, Heat, Or Power Company-commercial 20 0 15,400 2,087,700 2,103,100 570,068 1,533,032
821 State Assessed Property Owned By A Light, Heat, Or Power Company That Constitute 1 0 0 207,600 207,600 0 207,600
825 Locally Assessed Property Owned By A Light, Heat, Or Power Company-industrial 4 0 700 1,633,700 1,634,400 0 1,634,400
830 Locally Assessed Property Owned By A Pipeline Company-commercial 5 0 0 42,900 42,900 0 42,900
831 State Assessed Property Owned By A Pipeline Company That Constitutes A Part Of A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
835 Locally Assessed Property Owned By A Pipeline Company-industrial 1 0 0 54,500 54,500 0 54,500
840 Locally Assessed Property Owned By A Railroad Company-commercial 56 0 53,500 161,100 214,600 68,218 146,382
841 State Assessed Operating Property Owned By A Railroad Company 123 0 0 77,900 77,900 0 77,900
845 Locally Assessed Property Owned By A Railroad Company-industrial 2 0 0 11,600 11,600 10,870 730
850 Locally Assessed Property Owned By A Sewage Company-commercial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
851 State Assessed Property Owned By A Sewage Company That Constitutes A Part Of Any 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
855 Locally Assessed Property Owned By A Sewage Company-industrial 5 0 27,600 272,900 300,500 0 300,500
860 Locally Assessed Property Owned By A Telephone, Telegraph, Or Cable Company-comm 1 0 0 182,000 182,000 0 182,000
861 State Assessed Property Owned By A Telephone, Telegraph, Or Cable Company That C 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
865 Locally Assessed Property Owned By A Telephone, Telegraph, Or Cable Company-indu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
870 Locally Assessed Property Owned By A Water Distribution Company-commercial 16 0 0 78,300 78,300 0 78,300
871 State Assessed Property Owned By A Water Distribution Company That Constitutes A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
875 Locally Assessed Property Owned By A Water Distribution Company-industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
901 Unknown At Conversion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
999 Unknown At Conversion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B Business 4,087 0 0 647,773,955 647,773,955 217,111,510 430,662,445
C Mobile Home 2,396 2,773,417 24,085,065 200 26,858,682 0 26,858,682
D Personal Property 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
E Railroad 26 0 0 21,378,090 21,378,090 0 21,378,090
F Utilities 335 0 0 220,691,521 220,691,521 0 220,691,521
UNK Unknown Property Class 228 0 0 0 0 0 0